Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stampin' Up! Club Creations

I'm part of Melissa Gresham's Stampin' Up! club. We have a meeting each month to make a project and spend money :-) The requirement is a $15 purchase every time we meet (isn't that just terrible?!). I give Melissa's daughter Abby piano lessons to fund this addiction. Last night we made the scrapbook page, complete with staples - the newest rage - and felt flowers. The heart is chipboard, covered with printed paper. The other two items are projects from previous months.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Branching Out

Today I am making my debut into the blogging world! This is a slightly vulnerable step for my normally reserved self (and all the people who really know me say "yeah, right!"). However, I feel that I will thoroughly enjoy being a part of you all who have kept me entertained and at my computer for hours. I just hope I can get to where I can make a post without rereading my entry 100 times to make sure it sounds alright!

Here is our latest adventure: tent camping (my first time to spend more than one night in a tent). Growing up, our family's idea of camping was going with a camper. Being in a tent is just a smidge different.... I suppose I cheated somewhat, though, and made reservations at a state park, complete with restrooms and showers!