Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Phew!! What Is That Smell?!!

For a few days this past week, Jeremy and I had noticed a not-so-pleasant smell in our house. Thinking it might just be the trash can that sometimes doesn't get taken out on a daily basis, we quickly became more diligent in getting it emptied. That wasn't quite doing the trick, however; and so frequent trips through each room of the house became routine upon walking in the front door. Yesterday, during my commute home, Jeremy called and announced that he had discovered the source of the ever-present odor - our indisposed deep freeze chest in the basement.... Lovely. It had decided it was done putting in time freezing our food. All my good deals from the local Walmart's meat section were decomposing in my basement, turning into something just shy of hazardous material. To make a very long and smelly story short, we had to call in help in the form of "Extreme Resolutions." Too bad "Extreme Home Makeover" didn't come with them.... Yes, my dear friends and family, you can have the freezer cleanup of your dreams if you are willing to pay through the nose (no pun intended)! Thankfully the drama is all over, even if the odor still lingers! The moral of the story is - don't plan on visiting the Robisons anytime in the near future AND check in on your freezer every now and again (more "now" than again!").


Nancy said...

You poor thing...losing all your frozen bargains! At least you found the source of the smell. I've had that happen before too and it's so disheartening to throw all that stuff away!

Katie and the boys said...

Beleive it or not, just this summer, that happened to us TWICE!!
I think our garage outlet doesn't work properly. GRRRRR!!!!
Let least you won't have to worry about hauling it to GBS!

The Brighter Side said...

Oh No! That is awful! And gross I am sure! But I can say I have been there! Maybe not to that extreme, but I can sympathize with throwing away all those yummy goodies.
I am glad you found the eeewwwee smell!

Queen of the Castle said...

ugh! what an awful thing to have to deal with! we've had that happen to us before plus a refridgerator go out on us. it is NOT fun & totally heartbreaking to have to throw out so much stuff! hope your week gets better!

Jenn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your freezer! Thanks for watching Katrin yesterday on such a short notice. Maybe one of these days... I'll actually get to have another baby!!

Alanna said...

eeewww -- sorry about your icky problem. Bet you're glad that's over! :)

And as far as Panera - the best thing I can do is have it all ready for you if you do a call in order! :)

Carrie said...

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. I should instead be commiserating over lost beef. However, that sounds so much like something I would do. I NEVER check on my deep freezer--I'd probably be looking for dead mice or frogs before decomposing pork loin.

Yech! I can't imagine having to clean it out!

Martha C said...

Ouch! What a budget biter! I just got my first freezer - 16 cubic feet, and for the first time, I am really worried about losing electricity. :-)

Liz said...

So GLAD to find your blogspot! :>) I will enjoy keeping in touch a little better!

BTW, I've had that freezer thing happen before - no fun. Sorry.